...created as a recreational trail...
The Pow Wow Trail is near Isabella, in the
central region of the BWCA. The trail begins on what were once logging roads, then
continues through the forest as a wilderness trail.
Length: 29 mile loop with spur to Forest Center trailhead.
Entry point: 86
Maps: Fisher
Map #F4
(The trail is missing from some older maps, was added in 1996 then GPS'd by the
Kekekabic Trail Club in 1997. The GPS trail is shown on current maps.)
Campsites: Plenty of campsites, most not accessible from
canoe routes.
Water: Readily available
Trip options: Only one route, a loop; 3-4 day backpacking trip.
Features: Solitude, moose and wolf habitat
Challenges: Beaver dam crossings!